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December 2012
Sean Tyler©

These four geometric shapes were what I created for my final in my Sculpture class taught by the Artistic Collaboration Team  John Sutton, Ben Beres, and Zack Culler AKA SuttonBeresCuller. Our prompt was to use the welding studio to create something using pencil rod. At first the thought of welding was extremely nerve wracking, however turns out its not as scary as it seems. I did not really have a set plan before hand, I just cut pieces and started welding. I decided to let my materials influence me instead of having an idea set in stone. For our final I wanted them to live somewhere else besides in the critique room, so I decided to take them to the beach and photograph them there. The photo of the shapes at the beach was what i presented along with the shapes for critique. I wanted to use my love of photography to transport these shapes to somewhere beyond the classroom. ​


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